Mon Oct 30 2023
Diving my way through this simple and complex tree.
Matt Davis
Mon Oct 16 2023
Practicing my React Chops and understanding...
Matt Davis
Fri Jul 21 2023
Don't lose that feeling, hold on to that vulnerability, revel in it. It's a superpower. You can do something others may never do, and learn something new.
Matt Davis
Mon Jul 10 2023
It all makes sense in my head, but not in yours. When someone hears that an Electrician has decided to leave the job and pursue Software Engineering specifically web development, the look is one of disbelief.
Matt Davis
Tue Jun 27 2023
You typed into Google, “What is a linked list” and you have found this article among a multitude of others. Hopefully, I can make you laugh and provide some useful information along the way. Here, the goal is to explain the Singly Linked List with basic and clear language.
Matt Davis
Sat Jun 17 2023
It all started when I wanted to contribute to open-source. I began searching for a project that was small enough I could make an impact and be able to speak with the maintainers directly.
Matt Davis