Hello, I am

I love to solve problems. One
problem at a time.


profile picture of Matt Davis
  • My passion for technology started in my childhood with my father. He and I assembled many PCs together. I was always quick to play MS-Dos games.
  • After studying Computer Science at University, I decided to support my wife during her Master's Degree on the west coast. When my daughter was born, I took the opportunity to pursue my passion and learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have since developed proficiency in various languages, frameworks, and libraries, including Next, TypeScript, Ruby, Sanity.io, Node.js, Express, jQuery, Tailwind CSS, Styled Components, and Framer Motion. I also have experience with database management systems via PostgreSQL and Active Record.
  • As a former electrician, I bring a unique perspective to every project, combining my technical expertise with a passion for creative problem-solving and attention to detail honed from years of installing complex electrical systems.
  • When I'm not coding, I enjoy spending my free time with my beautiful family, mountain biking, trail building, climbing, skiing, and volunteering with SORCA since 2018 to assist in ongoing trail maintenance and trail building.


Taste of Saigon

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A marketing page for a local restaurant. All content is modeled in Sanity.io to allow live editing of content.


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A Front End Mentor challenge. Completed with HTML/CSS and minimal vanilla JavaScript. Testing my CSS skills.

Open DB Quiz

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Fancy yourself a trivia master? Try out this quiz app, Built with TS, Open Trivia DB and Redux Toolkit.


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Losing track of your budget while travelling? Not anymore with Budgie.


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A PWA food ordering experience with SMS notifications.


Whats on your mind?